Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Lamar Odom Visits Khloe Kardashian To Talk — Divorce Coming?

Lamar was spotted at the Tarzana, Calif. home he shares with Khloe for the first time in over a month. Sadly, it was not a happy reunion for the couple — Lamar, who has been struggling with his alleged drug addiction, went to see Khloe to ‘talk divorce details,’ a source tells EXCLUSIVELY.

Lamar Odom‘s whereabouts have been a mystery lately — even to his wife, Khloe Kardashian – but on Oct. 1, he showed up at her door to ask her “where they stand.” An alarmingly frail-looking Lamar was photographed outside the couple’s home, and can now reveal the shocking details of what he had to say to Khloe.

Lamar Odom Visits Khloe Kardashian — Troubled Couple Talking Divorce?

Neither Khloe nor Lamar have expressed any interest in getting a divorce, but there have been reports that Kris Jenner has been urging her daughter to split with the athlete if he doesn’t get his act together. Now it looks like she may get her wish.
“Lamar went there to talk divorce details,” a source tells EXCLUSIVELY.
Lamar was upset that he couldn’t spend his anniversary with Khloe on Sept. 27, and he couldn’t wait any longer to confront her about their marriage, another insider reveals to EXCLUSIVELY.
“He’s tired of all the games and he wants to know what’s really going on with Khloe,” the source reveals. “He wants to know if they’re going to be together or not. He went to her with a game plan.”
We hope the plan is for Lamar to go to rehab, because we don’t know if Khloe will be willing to listen to him otherwise. Either way, Lamar wants some answers.
“He wants to know where they stand with their house, their future, and their lives. This is a start that can end greatly or badly. But it’s a step in the right direction no matter the outcome.”
Whatever the outcome of their conversation, hopefully Lamar will get the professional help that he so desperately needs.

Lamar Odom: Will He Finally Check Into Rehab?

Will Lamar and Khloe’s long-awaited face-to-face finally persuade the basketball star to check himself into rehab? Now would be the perfect time for him to get some professional help to save their marriage. Perhaps they should also attend couples counseling together!
What do YOU think, HollywoodLifers, will Lamar finally check into rehab to save his marriage? Do YOU think Khloe should divorce Lamar if he doesn’t get professional help for his drug problems? Let us know!

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